Selected Poems - English

The Galaxy Of White

From white 
to white
I behold upon
the white fountain of wings; 
to the white explosion of feathers,
the sky array of white angel-tots
suckling birth
kindled nipples 
of sunrays 

From white 
to white
the white cape of light
on the white shoulder of flight 
fountain to fountain 
molten platinum
out of
the night

From the white embraces of distance to the white 
rebellion flocks 
of flying horses

From the whiteness of sugar lamps
From the whiteness of sweetness 
From the white canal of sugarcane 

From the white warp of tune 
from the white woof of words
to the white textile of 

From the whiteness of the paper 
and the tangles of node
of the feelings 

From the white 
diaries of silence

From white velvet 
of music
the auricle of the silence 

From the white dehiscent
in the white vein

From the white cradle of radiance 
that rocks 
in the tail of the goblets

From white
to white
From moon,
the white heart of the nights
From the moon to start the white celebration of nights
the white celebration of lights
the celebration of whites
in the moonlight.

The Gamble

Before the game of gamble, starts
it is already paid for.
Your losing is only the matter of time,
not poor probabilities. And your winning is as superficial
as the time’s constancy,
a pendulum that never arrives
no matter how fast and far it goes,
no matter how many steps
on the staircase of time,
no matter how good a player you are
or all the good players you've already chosen to be
and you are already an audience of,
no matter how your participation
is made believe.

The Tear Of The Time

All the tick-tocks of the clocks
are the tempos of a sewing machine
mending the gash of perfection
All the tick-tocks of the clocks
are the tempos of a sewing machine
mending the gash of perfection
in our minds.

To patch
every promise of sculpting
to the quintessence of telic sculptures,
inside the unkempt rocks,

every scenic scene, and sublimity
to the blankness,
every word, every tone
the sonnet and symphony,
of silence.

every penumbra tick-tock of the clocks
behind the bars of time
is the zigzag of
a sewing machine
stitching the tears of perfection.

To patch
every promise of sculpting
to the quintessence of telic sculptures,
inside the unkempt rocks,

every scenic scene, and sublimity
to the blankness,
every word, every tone
the sonnet and symphony,
of silence.

every penumbra tick-tock of the clocks
behind the bars of time
is the zigzag of
a sewing machine
stitching the tears of perfection.

When We Aren't Equal

When we are unequal we lose one another,
we lose our butterfly,
our wings, our willingness to urge,
to flow to the flower beds,
floating on the surface of the radiances ,
flowering the dream of gardens. When we are unequal we lose
our merit of being a bloom,
pinning the meadows
in the butterfly preen of a garden,
we lose our ability of combusting
on the bonfires of blossoms,
on the flame of petals,
in square thurible of the seasons. When we are not equal
we are lonely, separated, wobbling and harsh
we aren’t no more scales, seesaws,
we aren’t one we aren’t us:
-the two sides of a coin,
of a kiss,
of a visage
-the two question marks that make a heart-
we are not accordant,
we are not symmetrical,
we aren’t beautiful,
we aren’t musical,
we’re crude when we aren't equal,
the world loses its true poise;
the poise then would be something lost in us
that to find it we lose ourselves in everything
-like Elward who searched in everything for “Liberty”.
-When we are not equal
we have lost something in the alleys of ourselves,
something that we prowl in every mirror searching for it,
something that to fined it
we create the world
on and on
When we are not equal
in all the flower gardens
in the canvas of all painted petals,
in the bows of all the reminiscences,
on the sail of all the winds,
on the pasturage of all the bird songs,
in all the gardens’ alleys of conception, and creation,
with our butterfly net
we run after
to catch.

Between the Tastes of Lemons & Watermelons

She was passing coastlessly across the coasts
when I saw her
in the shore of an endless dream.
The girl that was walking in the side
a childhood of, the woman that I loved
along passage with no passers-by,
in the shore of a childhood
that was brimming of people and loneliness.
A girl was paddling in a shoreless sea,
a carriage in the sea of the desert mirage.
I saw her in the shorelessness of one’s eyes,
the beautiful girl that I always had in the eyes.
The echo of a whistle
in the intersection of the seasons!
The sound of a train that brought me always back to life!
The railway that crossed the edges!
The train that was me
though always was gone without me!
A girl that the pink roses of breeze
always blossomed on her cheek,
and wafted her heirs like the night river!
She was everywhere and she was in all the mirrors.
She passed through everything.
The train that its station was every beautiful thing!
She was my girl
and I saw her
in the eternity of a first glance;
a glance always existed regardless of me.
I saw her
wearing every blossoms in spring
and every summer fruit,
with a hat brimming over the horizons,
the strip pants made of every road,
a shirt splats the summer in the cleavage
between the taste of lemon and watermelon.

In the Toy Shop
In the rainbow boxes of preference,
they each are
an object of reference,
a getaway to the different world of imagination and dream
filled with ferries and angels of glorious themes:
Danseuses that their dances have never ended,
momentums, forever, in their prime suspended.
Princes and princesses of unknown terrains
in various trains of strains.
Glorious kings matched up with their majestic queens.
This little world of not very corresponding figures of figurines,
in their proportion
though not in the notion.
These still pantomimes of commotion
yet all synchronized in some historic, mythic or magical sparks of emotions,
inside the ornamental effigy jars of seductive potion
in these diminutive bombastic objects of devotion,
coming together
in a simple harmonic motion:
a woman embracing the air in her hair,
a soldier
fighting for fair,
a knight dashing to dare,
lions grouching to scare,
a world of so many differences, put forward to share:
They all exist, in their stillness's disguise,
They all are together, yet each one is an indication to the different world of marvel and size,
a getaway to another funfair of mind's eyes:
midgets mocking and cows are mowing and dogs are awaiting their barks,
children are playful in their fancy little boxes of ecstasy,
leaking and falling to another trough of department:

Poetry Café

You burned me with this winter in your heart
I am truly being burned.
This snow, is dark and white.
This is the most sublime bittersweet
I have ever tasted
in this café in the alleys between now and then,
between whiteness
and dark,
between roasted beans and nipples of the meadows
crescent melting in your mouth
and a chocolate cooky
iced all in stardust.
You are there now,
in an astral poetry café
where you do not need to write poetry,
everything that you see,
Everything that you seep on
Everything that you say,
is versified on their own :
bereaved and blue
and the most human.


I have seen you in darkness
like a moth that was going towards the fire.
I burned
for darkness was cold,
unkindness and tenderlessness are always dark.
And flame even though deadlier than cold
it is more enfolding and corresponding.
Hell is more in huglessness than in fire.
It is passionless, an abscess erupting of cold space.
It is unkindness that tore its chain.
It is those eyes that are not attached to any soul.
Hell is
where you are not holding my hand
in darkness.

For Acting

Everything is for acting
I am an entertainer
I am the actor who dies convincing his audience he is dead!
Like, Omar Khayyam, I am the creator of a grail
who put all his heart in his creation,
every skills which've been ever known to mankind, and..
yet only to smash it again.
I am the actor who dies convincing his audience he is dead!
I am the Salvador Dali’s most grandiose car, created only to be buried
unseen, unappreciated in its magnificent prime.
I am the Sisyphus
blessed to swap his Mundane punishment with the eternal death of being god.
I am the actor who dies
everyday, every hour, minute
every second convincing his audience
he is dead!

Could You Cuddle Me??

Could you for a while cuddle this little bug,
this hug- less kitten in the cold
this mess in distress?
Could you hug who he is this lost,
nude like a woman in her morning dress
all dressed and wrapped in her faithfulness?
Could you hold this palpitating heart
this flame falling apart
this faint worm of warmth
tending to disappear
crawling and melting in its flares,
from the candle of these eyes
thawing away
tear by tear?
Could you let me feel your warmth?
Could you harbor me in your arms?
Could you shield me from the kerf of these harms,
regardless of who and where
I would be
in the bottommost of this bottomless sea,
over the reflection on my jasmine tea?
Could you wake me up
in the compass of this coffee cup
from Kafka 's nightmares of estrangement?
Could you tell me that I haven't mutated
to a bug unplugged from your hug
crowing on the doomed dome of my room? (1)
Could you tell me that I
metamorphosed instead,
to a glorious insect
and transmuted
to a beautiful butterfly,
in the Dorian Gray's black eye
that apes
it's face
of hideousness in its place?
Could you tell them
that even I am the ugly duckling
the hideousness and disgrace,
is not mine, _for I am a swan_
is their own face
that in their head
projects conversely
It is about "The Metamorphosis" by Franz Kafka. The major character wakes up and notices that he, over the night, has transformed into a giant, unsightly, hairy bug: The ultimate depiction of alienation. no author of a poet would ever be able to find a better angle in describing alienation as the doom of the industrial world. Kafka seems here, has found the ultimate angle.

Contagious Maladies

Poetry is the might
to individuate the most latent blooms
drowned in such a camouflaged beauty,
Though after,
the poet, himself would turn
to the loneliest bloom in this world
like the very flower
he-she has
We are the only subject
of our recognitions!
True fair, thus solitude
are mean,

Butterflies of Poetry

Butterflies of poetry
forever flutter in their reflections
in the glass jars
of these sentences.
Only in translucency
in their duets,
light the chandelier
of their beauty.
lighting like when sun
looks at itself
in the windows of this town
back and forth,
like when a deer dares
to looks at himself
in real,
inside of the pond,
like some strange melancholy
nesting in the sunflowers
of these sunset windows,
inside out.

Apathetic Nights (P&Q)

What a hug-less night!
what infectious cruelty!
The world constantly solaces and deepens your sorrows,
the night is desperately looking for kindness,
touching every brick of cruelty
to bring its wall down.
ravishing all the bends and bows of beauty
solacing its sorrows!
Is there a soul
who can really smile without treason
over the masticated trenches of this disguise?!
Are there any arms
to reach out?!
What a void of space
in midways of human hearts!
What a vigorous gloom
ranging along!
What a glorious glowing
is growing from this ugliness!
What an aurora is
out of my chest!
such a sublimation of real meaning
is effervescing out of this
formless verses
What a living poetry
I can bring to life
out of these dead statutes,
what blooms
out of these stenches.
But remember I shall survive
in goodness
in your memory
of me!

Comme je t'aime

I love you for all the women I have not known"
(Je t’aime), Paul Elward
I read your verses for all the verses I have never read.
I feel your presence
for all the presences I have never sensed,
out there.
I see the faultlessness
in all the blemish shapes,
infinite love
in the finite man.
I see you in everything
I've ever seen
I've ever been.
I love you forever
in all the inadequacy of time,
You've been always with me
beyond all the walls and fences of space.
in all the branches
that palpitates the same love
the same rose,
the same dove,
for all the men
for the breed of mankind
the cavaliers
of the aurora's paths.
I see poetry
in its brute imperfect nature,
in the castle of sublime dreams,
built in the imperfect world,
by the bricks of imperfect words.
I see
the fire you stole for mankind,
a Prometheus
in the chain of tongue,
link by link
word by word:
that only remembers himself
in poetry.

Things About "Now"

Stretching our branches
to the prospect horizons
spreads our roots
in the previous roads.
We go forth backward, in the train's
back windows.
Reciprocal life is:
Everything moves
everything orbicular
Only in this very moment
the circles
are thoroughgoing.
is absolute
for it's always and also never

The Ultimate Headsman ll

Death is like a crack on the windshield of my car
I can see that crack's dissemination
on the mirrors
like spider web of fracture
or blight
eating my flesh
wrinkling my face.
I can see the web
on my eyeballs
scattering like branches,
like a blight deep deep rooted in my sight
Death is laying eggs in everything
the more I go toward the death
the deeper my root in life becomes.
My wisdom flourishes while my beauty perishes,
my brightness while my glow.
Life is the ultimate headsman

The Bird
Diminishing in transcendence,
perpetuating in deficiencies!

You are like the fire in my heart
I am neither a man
nor a woman,

where the wound of gender are healed,
I am not able to be anything
but you,
where things are formless,
where we cannot be nothing without one another,
we cannot be anything but one another:
a bird that is always there
but, also
never there,
it flies.

Behind the Gates

I was really burning for your caressing hands
until I learned you were just a semblance I was missing
nobody truly existed
behind those hands.
or they existed like fungus
with no roots
neither in your finger
nor in my bones.

with bubbles
coming out of their mouth.
but visibly.
We were living nowhere except
on the apparent world of skins
with no transparency of bones.
there was no flesh behind the skin.
and no soul behind the masks
and no one
behind the doors of your lips.

Ceaseless Seasons

is the first day of autumn
and a leaf
revealed to me today:
how heavy the seasons are
on my shoulders
they reminded of the gravity
of all these days I leave behind.

Now in front of me,
a thrown summer
a torn Fall
and I still bear the burden of dragging myself.

Tomorrow the winter will begin
and the spring
will die in the sum of this year,
as if I always am sliding on snow
inflating like a snowball:

do I take the vastness of my whiteness to spring?
are the seasons drowning inside me,
or it is me,
who is seeping into them
like lonely drops upon the parched lips of tomorrows,
enchained by all the seasons I’ve ever lived,
along the sound
of the restless ticking-ticking grave digging
shovels of my heartbeat ?

In the wealth of all these seasons
is there a day that I could,, may behold
through the endless chains
that I have been weaving?
And from the height of all burdens on my chest,
could I ever find a glimpse
to the rush of all the seasons
caring the procession of my life?

I know this winter shall also droop, wither
in the spring in which it has imbued;
the way the summer
amasses autumn
or my mother awaited my wine
and I am looking to my grail
upon the amber resin of the horizon
fossilizing my omnitude.


All these roads are as the print of lashes
on his body
where the space has been spawned,
along the corporeality of the cross on his shoulder,
while drawing space between here and there,
now and then,
yet and after;
sketching the four-dimensional world
blueprinting the creation
in the mind of Michael Angelo
on the Sistine Chapel ceiling.


I am the humble man of your virtue
I am the fire from within
I am you
waiting for you to find me
to touch my silken marble
instead of furrowed skin.

I am ascending while I am drowning.
I am a prince while a beggar
I am the loneliness itself
that convene every togetherness.
I am fortitude of destination
along the longitudes of all these roads.
I am a stature who's getting buffed
in the assaults of these pavements,
on the sole of your shoes,
the word that’s getting burnished by the onslaughts of advents.

I am the soul of mirrors getting polished
in the sand storm of time.
I am the body of everlasting redemption
still clutching at its very intent of malleability,
its being sand rather than being rock,
being liquid, than being hulking solid
being vapour rather than being fluid
being ethereal
rather than being vapour.

Glacial Hearts

One day
the flood of whatever we leave
would run and wash away
all the said words in this world.
One day
everything that we clutch in our heart and hold,
all the feeling, withdrawn and withhold,
-that in the labyrinth of untruthfulness
turned tenfold,-
all the feelings inarticulate,
all the sorrows neither early
nor ever have gone old,
all the surging sentiments scold,
all the searing screams unfold,
all the seeping sobs hold unrolled,
all the fortitudes
remained oscillating
in the labyrinth of these bazaars
all the revulsions corked in the naval
and controlled,
all the lavas hardened on the surface
but in hearts
have never gone cold,
would burst out like a volcano
and rill like the insurgent
of gold
and will smelt
the glacial heart
of this world.

The Poet’s Due

To explore the possibilities of words
is not the poet’s due.
Even voyaging in the world of meanings
is just a share of their dues.
The poet’s due however
is exploring
in the worlds of imagination
and heart!
To be in touch with heaven
in the famine of fair and virtues,
to be aqueous
in the world of objects,
to excavate through the words to
through rocks to
the light!
the deities of science
draw their mathematical portions
of aesthetically applauded formats
to sketch the exact blueprint of beauty
Poets are ones
who find beauty in imperfect,
wholeness in ruptured.
Ones who blow the breath of life,
draw the shade of soul,
the colours of life
the dye of death
and inoculate the rainbows
to blindness,
and dance
to the carcasses of
toneless substance.

Frivolous Horizons

brewing on the burners of these corroded intersections,
in the bottomless thirst
of cheap chipped mugs,
in Styrofoam cups
in the trails of the frivolous horizon
printed on them,
bitter and bittersweet
brewing awakeness
in a fancied jar of sunshine
hinged between the warmth and the wakefulness
And the eyes,
spoons of sugar
dissolving in unsavoury smiles
in insatiable funnels of brief fulfilments.
Brief moments of sweetness
in incessant oceans of bitterness,
and fatigued limbs
cramped in the endless spasms of traffic
that turn airy
in the green lights
and roasted
on the grills of
red lights.

The Magic of a Gift

Their gifting spirits
live on in their absence
when I return their favour
by gifting others.
he gift is there,
already given,
we are only
the carriers.

Pouring In and Out of One-another

we poured
in and out of one-another.
The Waltz
was the allocation of disintegrating
from solid,
to fluid motions,
from fluid motions
to ethereal emotions,
from apathy to passion,
from woman to a goddess,
from a lonely man
to a genderless
breakthrough every resistance of the flash,
when the soul brims over the figures.
that defies gravity!

Goodbye to Sobriety

This is the time 
to say goodbye to sobriety 
to tie our stars 
to these hollow chalices 
turning inside out.

to say hello
to the bruise of this swollen intemperance,
the bottomless barrel 
of these succulent grapes! 

We need to ferment in darkness 
like wine
because we are intoxicated by light!
We need to live 
because we've lit the candles of time.

We die of intoxication 
because flames
devour candles.


Darkness never takes completely over 
even after the light is 
all gone;
is the conclusion of all angles,
night, the conclusion of daylight,
as in dream 
all the solid world

Just in your breath 
oxygen sparkles in my lungs, on my skin
like piano keys in the ears,

And the night trickles out 
when the crescent pours 
through the musical notes 
between the lines of 
your lascivious lips.

I Screamed Her Name

In the middle of the night, I screamed her name.
In the middle of the nightmare 
of daylight 
I screamed her name.

In the icy eyes of 
the headsmen of my smile efflorescence
I screamed her name.
I screamed her name
like the last word of a convict
like the 
Hemlock of fire.

Facing off 
the gun barrels
of the executioners of heart
I screamed her name.

In the space between my lonesomeness and my window 
opened to the alleys of an abysmal lost
I screamed her name.

In the grey eyes of the withered skies,
like a sagging sunflower in gloaming dusk 
I screamed her name.

Only in your eyes, she answered!
Only in your tears, I found her
she was 

Burn Marks

She was crying 
like I could never stop her.

These burn marks 
would attest to my love.
They are my words 
the desires of trees to ignite
by the sun, or by the fire. 

They are the allusion of passion,
sparkles of the flames,
the words 
in which the fire serenades

She was crying, 
are when water and fire

Bowing Boughs

Like a bird encaged
In the pattern of curtains 
Have never yawned to open,

Like a strawberry shrub
Has never fruited 
In the mouth of a

Like the grapes
Have never jingled
In the winding longings
Of unfolding vines,

Like a fragrance
Has never bloomed
In the vase of his beloved's blossom,

Like the train of an unending instant
Behind the eyelid of 
A perpetual pilgrimage,

Like the morning dew
On an unopened eyelash
Of bowing boughs
On the apples of 
Your eyes.

Springs in our Blooms

Do you remember that you were braiding my hair
and I was breathing 
the breath of your hair’s fragrance 
braiding my oxygen, my air?

Do you remember 
everything between us and the world 
was wholeheartedly shared,
just as in the stalk of a butterfly,
where divergences 
are paired?

Wherein that togetherness 
only beauties and splendour were 
Where the bleeding grandstands of garden 
between the blushes of 
apple blossoms and Judas trees 
were furled and 
breathtakingly bared?

Where springs in our blooming 
were wholeheartedly declared?

When this world still was fair,
like the love affair of childhood and 
her teddy-bear,
silken like a touch of purple dream 
softly on the pillow
with two angel wings evenly flared 
and compared? 

Where moments were floating on time 
like a flame on a candle, 
like candles, 
not suffocating in the past sandals of scandals, 
not like sands in the sand machine 
of mirror globes, snared?

Where the world was 
as spacious as how far in our spirits we dared,
yet on the space between two 
which only loneliness could ever forswear?

Do you remember
where we were Michael Angelo 
of our Sistine chapel ceilings 
upon the devotion vault of our own tender feelings,
where unsculpted sculptures
like in the raw marbles, 
could only shelter there?

like the sand machine, 
like a rocking fantasy on a fancy rocking chair,
through the flare of our valours and cares
were as much hidden in stones 
as they were exposed
like your hair to the open air?

Do you remember?

Just Tell Me ..

Tell me why flowers
do not last.
Tell me why butterflies carve
the farewells of their splendours 
on the tombstones of empyrean wings,
they draw their colours
from the floriferous crayon boxes 
of childhoods,
and why hummingbirds 
dip their beaks
in the aqueous watercolours 
of the tunes 
my mother whispered.

Tell me why the peduncles of sentiments
shoot out and bloom 
only on our sorrows' sediments.

Tell me why the world is more riveting
in our pasts.

Tell me 
if there is a place
that all the butterflies migrate.
Tell me that the world 
is not bleeding out beauty.

Tell me
there is another world
made from the pixels' flocks 
of all those migrant splendours;
tell me I am, my heart, is
made from the pixels' flocks 
of all those 
migrant splendours.

Tell me why everything fetching and fair,
is fleeting

Tell me why the remain
the residues,
are only 
the cold and hard rocks.


When you stroke the harps of these feelings
you do not know your fingers 
will dissolve in the threads 
of all echoes swirling to spread.

When you dig in to the guitar of my senses
you do not know 
these scratches 
will settle 
through all the pages of hearts and flowers
to be read.

When you stab silence,
in the chest of papers, 
you do not know
the tip of your words
will crack open 
the red ink of the lesion 
that your penknife 
would mercilessly shed. 

You tune your gashing cords
to the tone of your sorrows
and do not know 
on the tongue of this song 
you would wave 
in to the millions of hearts 
that will rise from dead.

would burst with colours as much
-in the asylum of your fancies, 
in the effusion of a minuscule smutch, - 
as one peck 
would weave a thousands waves 
on waters.

And one wave 
will write
on the surface of this pond
and such:
this butterfly would cease, 
even in the gravity,
of a tender kiss

The Pebbles

O honesty 
the all mighty God:
please bless me to be able to see 
and recognise all my frauds,

shed light upon 
my well-hidden flaws, 
give me a chance to change for real
instead of 
hiding my vengeful claws,

please shed light in where I am not yet with you
show me where I can be authentic and true,

please help me 
to win my fights,
verses my mute mistakes,
in my deceptions 
where I am unauthentic and fake,
help me be a heart 
full of my brethren’s sorrows 
and aches.

O please let me be a pond
which with rainbow of your heart is spawned,

with my transparent deeds 
that appear 
like the pebbles on its ground
as prayer-beads, 
through the deep glares of irradiance's spears,
more bold, getatable and near,
more heightened and sheer
and crystal 


I surrendered all my memories, 
the fallen leaves of my life, 
like my father's ashes,
to the wind,
until they faded into thin air,
upon the rainbow 
across an abyss
curbing death and life. 

the only memory
the only residue 
is you:
the world with no reminiscence 
a world of transparency 
all the dusts 
have settled.

I can see
my true 

Vagabond Splendour

Oh, the tiniest flower!
lost in the vastness,
hidden in your earthly little stature,
like a child in the alleyway of his wonder,
in the streets of his motley appetence,

drowned yonder in the pool
of his pellucid dreams,
in the crystal chandelier of his heart,
in the mazes of these fields.

Oh, the tiniest little thing! 
If the whole world have forgotten you 
or have not yet remembered you,
if the whole world are taken away from you,
beauty but
would always remember you,
my little childhood heart
would always
celebrate you, 
in me;

your reminiscence would always 
sail in the wind! 
free like birds
waving, pollinating or perishing, 
hovering like hummingbirds 
over scarce awing eyes,
in the vine reeds of your allure, 
in the endless torsion of everything
and authentic.

Absolute Me

ou have to burn in order to shine" 
_ this was a burning moth susurrating 

"That is why my stomach burns
when I drink vodka"
_ it was me susurrating 

"But you promised me to quit" 
_ this was she, within me, susurrating 

" I shall quite on burning
when I am all shine,
the day
the only thing left of me
is you"
_ it was the burning moth, in me, susurrating


from those days I use to drink a lot of Vodka Absolute"

Hyaloid Nights

Did you know
that the whole world, 
is the odeum 
of your splendour?

Did you know that all these effusing gardens, 
these inflating balloons of double rainbows, 
these vineyards of fragrances, and grapes of flavours
all these infusing orchards of sunshine
these lush groves of colour and allure,
one by one,
are the pedicels
of different elongation
of your longing grace?

did you know that the whole world
is the playhouse 
of every drama that is ever written
or left un written 
of you?

that colours do not exist
until you see them,
that beauty
is how you look at yourself in others,
and time, 
is how you give life to everything 
you look at?

Did you know
the moment you cease to look at me,
waters would forgo to stream, 
falls would stop to pour,
moon would shun 
to gush hyaloid nights,
hearts would forbear deliquescing to our lips, 
time would turn to frostbite 
and watches would withhold 
to tick, 
for they are 
all openheartedly tied 

In the Barber Shop

The respite is shortening 
like my hair in the barber shop 
with the scissors of withered seasons!
I am repeating in every side 
decreasing in these mirrors 
like a ceaseless corona's circumference.

On my table a broken vase 
is counting the fades of flowers,
petal by petal,

and there is a book 
with its pages like my days, 
blank, with the parallel lines 
to hang 
the laundries of my wounds!

I open my windows 
to the reiterative walls of these mirrors:
to an old woman 
who has blighted on the desiccated stem 
of her window, 
to a street 
of all my lost opportunities to continue,
to a chilled running after unsettling butterfly, 
and to an unleashed kite 
of the boy 
of my childhood!

To an abandoned concrete foundation of a building 
under the razors of sun, 
in which my dream rises day by day 
in the rays of the scorching field 
like an oasis of a mirage 
and an insatiable recurrence of a bite 
from a fruit 
that evaporates in the thistle teeth 
of this thirst!

Carnival Blue

How could sculptures ever divulge 
from the wild wavering bulge
of crude unruly rivers, 
the silken trill 
of there silver strands of streams,
serene beams
of their brimful dreams? 

How could chiselers ever view 
the divinity of Venuses in their veins 
breaking through 
how could the sublime ever 
the tame of its magic 
the raw clay of a 
mutinous shrew?

How could flowers ever imbue 
the canvas of gardens 
in each and every angle and hue
from the magic box 
of this carnival blue,

its oneness,
from splitting to two?

How would sculptors ever mount your breast
and redeem
the acclivity of their dreams
from the down dale 
of these streams,

How would they ever appease
the silken crust of marble, 
within their jagged texture of garble, 
the bright fire fibers of their souls
from the piles 
of deep black 
their parities, 
in parting from the soul of their arts, 
their arts 
from their ventures in terrain of their hearts? 

How could they ever arose 
such majestic pose
from the barbwires of thorns 
in the body of 
a bleeding rose? 

How could my chisel ever reveal the scripts
of your curvaceous curvatures and hips
eclipsed by the ruggedness of these rocks?
How could I ever portray the grips of your ample apple
of kissing lips 
in unknown woman of a lunar eclipse
in a vanity mirror rounded
yawning into an ellipse?

How could I ever bare her chest
from the tone 
of her effeminate zest,
from the coil of my moan?

How could I ever bare
the marble of marvel in her breast, 
from the jail vial of brutish stones?
On its own
like God 
who created the world 
all alone 
from the reminiscence of your kiss,
aroused from the white nectar of your teeth,
the moon, 
in the cradle of an abyss, 
in the wetness bliss, 
from reminisce of a pair of hissing lips!

How did HE ever beget 
all the seas,
HE, who in adulation of the creation of his own
came down to his knees,
from your mouth rosette,
warm and wet,
where the rain and sun duet?

How did HE ever assume distance 
through the hollow wander,
under the sunshade of wonder 
in the deep blue
of not kissing you?

How could I ever free my soul from this incessant crassitude? 
How could I ever mine you from these depressant lassitude?
How could I ever uncurtain and rescue my sky all in blue 
and find my clue in the Venues of such nostalgia
of intoning and chanting
of you?


The crucifixion of these geometrical shapes
in the air.
These triangles are stretching 
in excruciating pains
to square,

broadening any dark feeling
to a heartfelt flare.
every wing to pair
Every unfair 
to fair.


Windchill is howling in my veins,
as on the windows of these trains.
It seems nothing would ever warm these tubes
huddled with frozen eye cubes.
It seems nothing could ever melt and mold 
to a drop of rain.
These icicles would never shed tears.
Souls are trapped
between these glowers of iron spears,
between these jagged jaws of fears.

These trains oscillating 
between stations 
between there and here 
breathing like an accordion, 
according the distance of far 
an near.

These trains are up to nowhere.
There are no up and down in the stares 
within the grips of these snares. 

Inchmeal the feeling 
grows in you stronger and stronger 
that the promise land, either has never been
or isn't there any longer, 

that this vacuum of whirling voids 
like winds groan and moan
in these tunnels 
with such grinding tone 
like we are just pendulums of our own
some crucified flesh
on the cross of our bones.

These tickets are feigned; 
there are no end 
have been ever attained,
no real destination 
has ever been gained.
These trains are only to keep us going. 
Nothing ever is as it is showing. 
and no grains of hope in this barren field 
ever would be glowing. 

These tracks are parallel to each other 
as to the destination shown. 
Here, there are no maps 
but the fresh paint of pains 
in the blueprint of our bones.

These wafts are to nowhere blown
we're here 
suffering together, 
all alone.

To the Whispers of Zephyrs

There is someone out there
who reads all my poems
she is every audience I need.
From her eyes
all the epigrams of my soul 
are phonated.
Her eyes quietly alchemise my words 
to the encirclements of pure gold.
It is for her that every veil of my soul opens in words,
like the flower on the shoots
of stimulating hands! 
She is riveted by my words, 
as I am spellbound by her brown flames 
in the fireplace of coppices imagination,
raining fireworks on my feeling,
flooding my chalice 
with copper and molten dawns, 
wordlessly pouring my mould with silence

It is in the poise of her breast
that the syllables of my rhyme 
are scaled.

I hang my wounds
On the silent spaces between the lines of her chest, 
the sky 
between the laundry ropes!

She adores them not because they are good
but because there are mine,
not because they are mine,
because they are the common denominator
of every heartbeat, 
the flag of spectrums 
in the stem of forlorn forgotten blooms! 
lost in the wilderness of this world,
hidden amongst common weeds.

She namelessly, like a dazzling fish,
in her scales and spangles,
allures and whirls in the aquarium of my sweat and blood,
amongst the ornamental castles and shells of my verses.
She anticipates all my verbs,
for they are common senses 
for they are coils combed by the fingers of her caresses, 
harshness, burnished, 
by the sandstone of her care!
She declares each word
like the petal
She surrenders them
to the whispers of zephyrs.

Eve's Apple

it was in the apple of your eyes
that Newton saw 
the delineation of universe

and how 
a bite 
gravitated Adam 
to a fallen 

Pirouette On Your Toes

Life is a case of watercolour,
caterpillars relinquishing being crawlers,
a set of musical keyboard,
words and colours 
in accord
within a musical chord. 

Unroll their reefs,
soak them in your heart,
sail them 
on your leaves,
wing them in your art.

Let them dash, let them oar
let them splash, let them soar,

Let them paint your prairies,
blossom your 

Let them to yell out 
the dehiscence 
of your thoughts 
let them shout, 
let their oomph 
to sprout,

let them boom
in your room
on the conscience 
of flowerpot.

Let them be the fanfare of your dreams.
let them scream
on carousel of your beams,
summon them in the gush,
of your gold rush
on the summit 
of your paintbrush.

Let them sow, let them rain, let them bow,
let them row, let them flow,
brush the moon in their romance, 
let them glow 
let them dance. 

Watch them pirouette 
on your toes 
like a feather
when it blows.

he Slit Of Illumination

Crescent is your laughter
the slit of illumination.

Paradise pouring out
cracking open
from within,

and silver
gushing the drought of darkness,
and rivers 
glossing the night
patching them 
with the needles of 


Tell me that there is a reason for me being alive,
that there is a final meaning 
in this reiterated thruway 
we drive,
a destination
we shall one day arrive.

Tell me there is a furnace, 
at the end 
of these never ending hoary roads 
of icy eyes,
these blues, 
denying my longings
the oxygen 
of clear skies.

Tell me at least 
there is an efficacy of reason
in these chaoses of cause.

Tell me that there is an oases of pause 
in being trampled 
under these callous drove of paws, 
a soar of glory
in the jagged scales of 
these uneven rang of abstruse laws, 
not by the scales of just 
but by the even fangs 
of these atrocious hyenas’ jaws.

Tell me that 
there is candor, 
a poise of fairness, 
in the scales of these horrid claws 
through these lesions' 

Without Ever Saying Goodbye

like waves 
on the faraway shores of soft sands,

Between us, the mirages dry out
and thirst 
is the most wholesome spring

Nothing repeats between us,
like the rivers 
always depart
yet we're always 


Oh, how fragile are the soundless beauties,
Blemish brambles,
Pure wine 
In the jagged jugs.

Oh, what a sin is
The transparency
Every unsightliness

Chilean Miners

2010 Chile's mining accident

It is a transcending triumph
when all the human race unites
in the tender heart, in beneficence,
caring for the lives of those
who live far distances away, in an uncharted land.
unnamed, underneath and undermined, 
grimed, so, invisible in the heartless dark
with the hearts of lion!

Men harder than the rock they mine in.
the lavas of Chile’s volcanos in their veins,
molten steel 
cools down in their casts 
of forbearance.

Men with the fortitude of their very assailant:
the earth!

who tame mountains,
who bridle impossible feats and pains! 

And now 
in their wills of survival 
the humanity 

Black Butterfly

A black butterfly 
sprinkling the dust of its flutter 
on my eyes
skywrites in my heart: 
every butterfly
is mourning for you. 

A drop of ink connotes
so deep in my pen:
all the words in the world
all the sentences unwritten,
are mourning for you.

A moment of silence 
whispers to my ears: 
every sound, soundlessly 
every song, unsung 
in the world
is mourning for you.

A drop of paint 
a dropping dew,
a falling petal, 
an autumnal leaf, 
floating under my window,
serenades to my muse:
all the colours in the world,
all the blooms
in water-colours' springs,
all the rainbows in crayon boxes,
all the lacerating roses, 
all the ambrosial 
bowing branches of gardens, 
are mourning for you.

A night breeze, a tender breeze 
susurrates in the ear of my senses: 
all the distances 
with their necks bridled in horizons, 
are mourning for you.

A bead of musical note
in my ear, 
on the staffs of instruments,
dressing all in black, 
sighs through the cords: 
all the lamenting violins 
all the piano keys , flapping in penumbras, 
all the groaning guitars,
are mourning for you. 

A drop of tear shines in my eyes:
all the bleak hearts,
all the broken ones, 
all the weeping eyes, 
all the ardent appetences, 
are mourning for you. 

You my morning, my eternal mourning, 
you the endless silence
in my words,
my eternal free verse,
you the endless sky 
eternal whiteness
of my canvas,
and endless iridescence of butterflies, 
and now 
the endless surge 
of ink
in this pen! 


It was at my father's funeral that I saw a black butterfly and said to my sister: " Even butterflies are mourning for dad." Then the rest came after.


this was 
a bug sang 
with his body full of fuzz.

I am a happy bug
whether being free 
or being caught, 
whether you smash me
or you do not,

whether keep on humming 
or I pause, 
whether on the window 
swathed with the thunder
on the curtain 
before drawn asunder.

I am so happy because
my happiness is free
what everyone else


Old Dusted Piano

It was only for a few moments
but they were infinite 
when I heard Beethoven
from a car's window
breaching traffic jam like a 
musical interlude.

I was an archaeologist
who diligently dust off a small object
to recover a forgotten civilization.

A flashback that could not deafen itself to the function 
of its ultimate purpose,
when my father took my sister to Beethoven store,
both forgetting if even I existed,
but I did
and the music in me germinated.

Like history
in an insignificant object,
I found it in my thirst
like rain in a succulent drop,
like a magician that 
in the lure of his fingers 
brings back to life
an old dusted piano.

The Reason

Sky said to a tree: 
How could I invite a protrusion like this,
so coiled, misfit, uneven 
and so bent 
in the wind?

The earth said: 
I am
from you!

The Dying Bed

All in silver and grey
in the dying bed:
Sometime the cavalier of a flying horse, 
sometimes sliding on the clouds, upon his aspirations sleigh,
and to the angels of firmament 
throwing the bouquets
of his glorious days,

Sometime staring at his blighted mirror
beholding through the panorama 
of a living 
falling into 

a listless stream
that still repeats its once broad runway,
a stream,
that at its last throbs 
in to clay!

a book threadbare, 
filled with words of wisdom and just, 
on its cover eroding away turning to crusts
breaking to rust,
but from within 
the words combust and glow 
brimming of stardust! 

the vestige of
sewing machine of pain
on the fabric of time,
the paradox of survival and to spurn 
to soaking in slime! 
holding to your whiteness,
in the grey world of pollution and grime,
being true to yourself 
while putting the mask of mimicry and mime,
in the world that being authentic is pure madness and crime! 

holding on unrolling, 
the scroll of an ideal paradigm,
that inclines to roll back scrolling, 
on a dime!

Alas the poetical sway at the doorway, 
of to be, to dry like a butterfly 
on the pin of a spotlight display,
or not to be, 
to burn and fade away 
in the brilliant rays 
of the soul 
of effulgent days,

or encircling like the water,
in a river 
that in all its going 
ditches its runway to stay!

a relentless decrease,
from dusk to dawn,
to perish away
and to, on tombstone of life
your say!

Winter Bees

There are the freeze bees
Teasing me to sneeze.
Snow is pulling me down 
to my knees.

Though no matter how ferocious the winter is,
having an arm no one sees,
you cannot fight it
even with weapons of war 
or the club of Hercules.
It is sightless spheres
coming at you like knife at cheese 
aim to mutilate but only 
pinch, poke and tease.

The needle cold breeze, 
chaperoned by a
breathless wheeze,
constantly poking at your ease!

You can cover your body as you please, 
yet feels like
lays into
all your facial hair 
to tweeze.

In that Café

In that café, I penned my poems
pinned a living butterfly of my heart 
each rhyme was a matching pair of an adoring dot
on my wings.
each feeling was a hummingbird 
sitting on the rim of my cups 
seeping into my soul, 
sipping on my saps of insight,
urging to make sense 
of my senseless sorrows to no end.

This loud little loquacious effusive bees, 
the mouthful of little bites of sweetness 
burning and cooling, 
healing and thawing the bitter bruises 
of the tastelessness, 
that still furrowing through me to my bones. 
this bittersweet gulps, opening the jar's bows of
honey and honesty,
pendulating between pandemonium and poetry,
turning coffee 
to ink
turning lost words 
to the treasure maps of meanings.

In that café, art was exuded 
in every sip
like a waltz of pain and euphoric objects of music
like vines red grapes in your veins
like a rainbow of colures in your grains 
liquefying your woes 
sedimenting your sentiments 
in the hanging chandeliers 
of light
right there 
in that unknown dark café
that the real art was pirouetting
in the box of silence
without the limelight.

Gender's Incarceration

Being a gender is too tight
a dungeon 
it is like being fastened 
to the opposite propensity of 
a serrated knife.

I do not consign my soul 
to the confine of any incarceration. 
Even the sky is a trap 
chaining me to my wings.

I am not a captive
I am not a bondservant of any format
I am an alien
I am an inhabitant of the planet 
named emancipation:

Like fruits, I ripe 
and rip out of the carcass of my forms.
Like art 
I am uncontainable in time, 
like eternality
I tear 
this intertwined textile of ticks and tacks, 
to crack open 
any cocoon that host
my butterfly
of within.

The Violin of the River

Your smile,
the white queue of musical tone,
the jaws of piano, 
the bitten apple of the moon, 
and the appetite 
of silence!

The bow of the wind
the violin of the river! 

The teethed moon, 
the hammock of crescent 
between two 
twilight poles!

The drunken dark river, 
the savour of the apple 
on the tongue of the night
the nectar of the music!

The white throne of jasmines 
and the dark locks of the night, 
the fragrance of whiteness 
hovering above
and wavering on
the riverbed 
of your pitch-black hair!

Between our Lips

There is a desert between our lips
that could not be watered
by all the springs and rains
but only
by a wet kiss.
The dew
that turns
all the tumbleweeds
all the lizards
to nightingales,
all the withered thorns
to rose stems,
all the boulders
to choristers,
all the exclamations to serenades,
all the hurts to desires
and all the
indurated bitterness
to sugarplum,
a wave
that turns all the craggy capes
to melting sugarloafs.